Wednesday, January 03, 2007

...someone call child services!

I locked Caleb in the van. I was putting him in the back I had the key in my hand, I HEARD the beep, but it just didn't register until it was too late. You know that moment when you realize that you have locked your keys in the car....and the baby? SO I run to the office to call my husband to come and unlock the van. The handy man aka The Russian come to take a peak at the fiasco that is my life. And offers this, 'Is okay, car is not running. And not so cold today.'.....thanks.
So there I stand face pressed against the glass staring at him. He smiles and begins to coo. I feel like shit. I am crying, and I think as long as he is smiling.....he begins to cry. I loos eit. I am outside the car sobbing fully prepared to turn myself in when this is over. AT least Olivia wasn't in the car. At least the temperature is okay today! Then he falls asleep..I stare at him and cry. Several of my neighbors walk by. No one says a WORD to me. I am a bit put off by this now that I think about it. I do not exactly live in Mr. Roger's neighborhood, but damn! Caleb seems unscathed, but I do not think I will be attempting to leave the house again for awhile.


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