Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hickory Dickory Dock...someone's about to get clocked

As a stay at home Mom; I do not have to 'punch' a clock. If I am 'late' to work I will not be fired. I do not have to battle AM traffic. However this does not mean my time is any LESS valuable. I mean unlike a conventional job I can not 'Call in'...WHAT? I can not take a day off....I mean shit! I do not even clock out! I am on call 24/7/365...AND I do not get PAID!!! SO WHY? Why do people act as though MY time is not important? Phrases like, 'since you don't have anything going on,' and '..you don't work,' and my personal favorite'.....since you aren't working during the day..' WTF? I am up all through the night nursing a ravenous little boy, and my day starts at 7:30...sometimes 6 come hell or high water. And yet people act as if I am sitting on my ass eating bon bons all day. Those my ass may look as if it is filled with bon bons I assure you it is not nor have I had the luxury of sitting on it.....now I am off to attempt to wash my bon bon stuffed ass before the baby wakes up.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


This last month and a half has been a blurr of tears, blood, baby vomit and shit. I have been feeling up the last two days....that is a record. Half the time I can not tell if I am coming or going. Olivia had a good day today. THe melt downs did not start until Her Father came home, usually it is the opposite. We are supposed to go to the mall tomorrow for a playdate. God I hope that child is in a good tomorrow, or this could get U G L Y. I am excited to get outof the house. You know it is bad when grocery shopping is the highlight of your week.....sigh. I felt really good yesterday and the day before. More 'up' than I have felt in over a month. I thought maybe the baby blues were going away. now at this moment I feel really irritated and tired and isolated and frustrated and I just want to sit and watch Law and Order in peace! Sometimes I wish I couls wake up and just for a day not be anyones anyone. No one's Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Friend....some days I just want everyone to go away. Some days I do not give a shit what is for dinner or if this stain will come out of your shirt, or if the baby is crying.....I just want to watch Law and Order.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

...someone call child services!

I locked Caleb in the van. I was putting him in the back I had the key in my hand, I HEARD the beep, but it just didn't register until it was too late. You know that moment when you realize that you have locked your keys in the car....and the baby? SO I run to the office to call my husband to come and unlock the van. The handy man aka The Russian come to take a peak at the fiasco that is my life. And offers this, 'Is okay, car is not running. And not so cold today.'.....thanks.
So there I stand face pressed against the glass staring at him. He smiles and begins to coo. I feel like shit. I am crying, and I think as long as he is smiling.....he begins to cry. I loos eit. I am outside the car sobbing fully prepared to turn myself in when this is over. AT least Olivia wasn't in the car. At least the temperature is okay today! Then he falls asleep..I stare at him and cry. Several of my neighbors walk by. No one says a WORD to me. I am a bit put off by this now that I think about it. I do not exactly live in Mr. Roger's neighborhood, but damn! Caleb seems unscathed, but I do not think I will be attempting to leave the house again for awhile.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

No Bucks for Star Bucks

I was determined to leave the apartment today. I got both children together and into the van! Victory! I go to the StarBucks drive through and place an order. StarBucks makes me feel human, like a person, not a Mommy. I get to the window place my order look into my walllet...no money. *Flash to the previous evening...Olivia that is Momm's purse....* DAMN. She has taken my money. I charge a 2- coffee to VISA. I park in the lot and frantic dig through my purse...so help me GOD...if I have to go all the way back home..I find my check card anyway and we're off to Target . It is a smooth trip over all-less the Star Bucks incident and I am pleased with myself..maybe, just maybe I can do this.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Tra-la! Presenting Caleb Joshua! 9 pounds 3.4 ounces...VBAC. That's right VBAC. I was supposed to go in for a C-section on Saturday 11/11. I had big plans Friday; Drop Olivia off to Grandma, pedicure, manicure, leg wax, facial,pack Hospital bag, do a little shopping, nap. Instead my day went a little something like this; Give Olivia breakfast, wrythe on the floor in pain, crawl to phone, call Mother, and Husband, call Hospital, take fastes shower on record, go to Hospital.
At 10 am when the Dr. checked I was not dialated so the suggestion was made that I could just get the C-section then or wait and see what would happen. By the time She checked again at 11:30 I was at 3cm. Things went fiarly fast from there. I have sopem anxiety about how this two kid thing is going to go.....something tells me I am not in Kansas anymore.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What is in a name?

okay the baby is coming Saturday for sure and J and I are not really sure of his name. We have been telling everyone that we are 'keeping our choice to ourselves', you'd be surprised at how riled people get about us not wanted to tell what our name choices are...almost as surprising as how many people...strangers to boot freely give their oppinion about the name s you have picked. I learned this during my first pregnancy. People actually make suggestions as to what they would name your children.....it's very rude. ALMOST as rude as rubbing my belly, but not quite.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Question of the day

Why do people feel it is okay to touch a pregnant Woman's belly? I can not imagine that I am giving off a 'touch me' vibe right now. As a matter of fact I would think that it appears I have been touched enough. I mean complete strangers...associates...it is bizarre. In the beginning I woul dpolitely ask them to please not touch me, but now at 40 weeks..I am in full blown SWAT mode.
A man at church greeted me and reached his hand out to apparently make a wish on my Buddha belly....I politely raised my hand and told him that if he gets to rub mine I get to rub his...as he also looked about 40 weeks or so....take that! One for the pregos!